DXCC-Status 3-Sept-2024: DXCC Mixed 301, DXCC Challenge 2304, DXCC SAT: 151
Amateur Radio and Ham-Spirit
I received my Swiss amateur radio license in December 1983 and was active until 1986 mainly on Oscar-10, 2m and 70cm E-Sporadic. After a 30 year break, I started again from scratch in March 2016.
Shack at home, remote DX-Station at 1'660m, portable QO-100 SAT-Station and all QSOs (15'000+), the 5-Band DXCC, DXCC Challenge, WAS and the DXCC SAT certificates has been made since March 2016.
We know there is no other service like ours. No fraternity on earth has the power & magic to bridge culture, nationality, distance and disparate interests like Amateur Radio does.
Amateur radio describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, radio- and IT-Projects, private recreation, radiosport such as SOTA, digital-communication such as FT8, EME (Earth-Moon-Earth), contesting, and emergency communication.
National governments regulate technical and operational characteristics of transmissions and issue individual stations licenses with an identifying call sign such as HB9RYZ.
73 de HB9RYZ - Wolfgang
HB9RYZ Live Logbook
QRZ.COM Website and SV9/HB9RYZ at QRZ.COM
Home Shack HB9RYZ
Equipment List
- ICOM SP-34 Speaker
- ICOM IC-9700 2m/70cm/23cm Transceiver mainly for QO-100 SAT Operation
- HPA-8000B-54 Hilberling 1kW Amplifier with ATU
- LP-100A Digital Power Meter for 54m Wire with Stockcorner JC-4s Tuner (10m to 160m)
- Two big 43" DELL Displays
- Audio-Switch Solution for all Transceivers and Receivers
- PE1CMO QO-100 Duplex-Transverter (20cm/2m), 20 Watt for QO-100 Sat at JN47FE
- 12-Band EQ for ICOM IC-9700, Flex 6700 and Charly C25 from UR6QW
- Modified Jabra Business wireless DECT Headset for the all Transceivers
- Kenwood SP-23 Speaker for ICOM ID-5100E and IC-9700 LEO/MEO-SAT operations
- Heil HS-2 Hand PTT-Switch for all Transceivers
- Maestro Console for Flex 6700 Transceiver
- Wolfwave DSP Advanced Audio Processor for the BOSE Headset
- Heil Pro Set 6 IC Headset for all Transceivers
- Flexradio 6700 Limited Edition and number two on the Sherwood Engineering Receiver Test table
- Perseus SDR Receiver (USB) for SDR Radio Console/Server
- YAESU G-5500DC AZ/EL Rotor for LEO/MEO-SAT 2m/70cm Groundstation
- iPad Pro for DX Propagation View www.DXheat.com
- Flexradio VFO Knob for Flex 6700
- JC-4s Atnenna Tuner Control Box with modified ELAD SDR TX Switch as Tuner-Protection
- LVB-Tracker for the YAESU G-5500DC SAT Rotor
- Mac Mini (M1) with SmartSDR for MAC (Flex 6700) and SDR-Control for ICOM IC-9700
- IC-7300 portable 100W SDR Transceiver 160m to 6m with a built-in Tuner
- Adam Hall PCL 10 Pro Power Conditioner for all 230V devices
- Digital Power and SWR Meter for 2m (DG-503)
- Digital Power and SWR Meter for 70cm (DG-503)
- EA4TX ARS-USB Box for AZ/EL Rotator for the LEO/MEO SAT with Raspberry Pi
- Airspy Duo HF+ SDR Receiver with Spyserver on a Raspberry Pi4
- Heil BM-17 IC Headset for Flex Maestro Console and IC-9700 SAT
- Windows 11 SDR Server for Perseus and Airspy SDR Receiver
- RODE Studio Broadcast MIC W2IHY MIC Audio Switch iPlus for three Transceivers (Flex 6700, IC-9700 QO-100 and Charly 25)
- LPF-1 Low Pass Band Filter 1kW for 10m to 160m
- ELAD ASA16 Active Antenna Splitter for the Active Dipole from Stampfle
- Stockcorner Tuner JC-4s with 54m DX-Wire for 10m to 160m and 1kW
- MFJ-1142 230V DC Line RFI Filter
- Choke 1116di from Balun Designs for 10m to 160m
- OpenwebRX SDR Receiver web based running on a Raspberry Pi4
- Airspy HF+ Duo with Spyserver running on a Raspberry Pi4
- DX Engineering ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters DXE-ISO-PLUS-10 to reduce noise on LAN
- CMF-2000 for 10m to 160m for 1kW (outdoor at JC-4s Tuner)
- ICOM IC-9700 for LEO/MEO-SAT Groundstation (2m and 70cm Yagi)
- ICOM ID-5100E 2m/70cm Transceiver SM-20 Mic and Diamond X-50NA Antenna
- ICOM RC-28 VFO Knob for ICOM Transceiver and Flexradio with SmartSDR for MAC
- Charly 25 Allband Transceiver (6m - 160m), Windows 11 Pro, Thetis Software
- Home Made MIC-Switch (Heil Pro Headset / RODE Studio MIC) for Charly 25 Transceiver
- Active Dipol from Heinz Stampfl
- WiNRADiO WR-ACD-1800 Dual Antenna Combiner
HBRadio 2/2023 - Remote DX-Station at 1'660m
Planung, Aufbau und Betrieb der Remote DX-Station auf der Rigi Scheidegg auf 1'660m
Beobachter 14/2019 - Amateurfunk
Die Stimmen im grossen Rauschen.
HBradio 2/2019 - Article about my OSCAR 100 Satellite Station
QRV over the new OSCAR 100 Geo-Satellite
HBRadio 4/2017 - Article about my Expedition at a Cargo-Ship and Cruise Ship in German
Reiseberichte von den MM-Erfahurngen auf einem Frachtschiff (Cargo Ship) und Kreuzfahrtschiff (Cruise Ship). Article in the Swiss Amateur Radio Association Magazine 04/2017. The article is written in German.
HBRadio 6/2016 - Article about my Inverted-V Antenna in German
Home Made Inverted-V (G5RV) from August 2016 to August 2018. Article in the Swiss Amateur Radio Association Magazine 06/2016. The article is written in German.
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