Ham-Radio Shack 1985

I passed my Swiss Ham-Radio Lisence exam in December 1983
2m Band starting Equipment 1983
- Yaesu FT-290 (2m) Transceiver
- FT 708R (70cm) Handy
- 14-element Tonna Yagi Antenna for 2m
OSCAR 10 Equipment 1984-1986
OSCAR 10 SAT Operation and Commodore C-64 and SX-64 application development (OSCAR 10 SAT antenna controlling application) were my passion.
- ICOM IC-211E for 2m (10 Watt) for the Downlink
- KENWOOD TR-9500 70cm (10 Watts) for the Uplink
- YEASU FT-757GX, HF, (100 Watt)
- 14-element Yagi antenna from Tonna for (2m)
- 23-element Yagi for from Tonna (70cm).
- Home-Made Power-Supply 13.8 V, 26A
- Home-Made 50Watt PA for 70cm
- Home-Made Notch-Filter
- KR-500 Elevation Rotor for SAT Operation
End of 1986 I went QRT due to new location and difficult antenna situation.
- Yaesu FT-290 (2m) Transceiver
- FT 708R (70cm) Handy
- ICOM IC-211E for 2m (10 Watt) for the Downlink
- KENWOOD TR-9500 70cm (10 Watts) for the Uplink
- YEASU FT-757GX, HF, (100 Watt)
- KR-500 Elevation Rotor for SAT Operation
Drake TR 7

Drake TR7 in Operation
The Drake TR-7 is a solid-state amateur band transceiver covering 160 through 10 meters. Modes include USB, LSB, CW, RTTY and AM. It provides receive coverage from 1.5 to 30 MHz without crystals or gaps. Superior receive performance is achieved by using 48 MHz IF Up Conversion approach. Enjoy true passband tuning to combat heavy QRM. The standard filter is 2.3 kHz SSB. Power input is 250 watts PEP SSB/CW.
Drake TR 7 Brochure [1’113 KB]
Drake TR 7 Operational Manual [5’017 KB]
Trio TS-510

TRIO TS-510 Tube Transceiver
Trio (Kenwood) TS-510D. Desktop HF Transceiver. 160 Watt input. SSB, CW.
Trio PS-510D Power Supply and Speaker Unit.
14 tubes 6AW8A 12BY7A 6CB6 6BZ6 6BA6 6GH8A 6CB6 6BA6 6BM8 6GH8A 6BA6 6GH8A 2*S2001 (Finals)
2 FET's, 14 transistors, 30 diodes. Manufactured ~ 1967.
TRIO TS-510 Instruction Manual [7’712 KB]
TRIO TS-510 Servie Manual [8’837 KB]
The PLL synthesized VLF - HF all wave receiver Rohde & Schwarz EK070 has been introduced in 1979. It's digital frequency readout has an accuracy of 10 Hz. The R&S EK070 has been one of the earliest shortwave receivers with direct keypad frequency entry, thirty electronic memories and the possibility of beeing remote controlled by a computer or a secondary controller BG 170.
Here the description [930 KB]
how to connect the Rohde & Schwarz EK070 with the built in V.24 serial board to the PC in order to control the EK070 with OmniRig and Pegasus from N4PY. Carl did a software upgrade to control the EK070 with his software Pegasus version v4.42D.
Here another Link with more information about the EK070 and a link to German Website.