DXCC-Status 23-Jan-2025
DXCC-Mixed: 304 - DXCC-Challenge: 2434 - DXCC-SAT: 157 - all achieved since 6.3.2016 in 8 years
Proud to be part of the 3Y0K.COM Bouvet Island DX expedition in 2026
Amateur Radio and Ham-Spirit
I received my Swiss amateur radio license in December 1983 and was active until 1986 mainly on Oscar-10, 2m and 70cm E-Sporadic. After a 30 year break, I started again from scratch in March 2016.
Shack at home, remote DX-Station at 1'660m, portable QO-100 SAT-Station and all QSOs (15'000+), the 5-Band DXCC, DXCC Challenge, WAS and the DXCC SAT certificates has been made since March 2016. My first HF-QSO was in March 2016 !
We know there is no other service like ours. No fraternity on earth has the power & magic to bridge culture, nationality, distance and disparate interests like Amateur Radio does.
Amateur radio describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, radio- and IT-Projects, private recreation, radiosport such as SOTA, digital-communication such as FT8, EME (Earth-Moon-Earth), contesting, and emergency communication.
National governments regulate technical and operational characteristics of transmissions and issue individual stations licenses with an identifying call sign such as HB9RYZ.
73 de HB9RYZ - Wolfgang
Live last 500 QSO's from LOG4OM Logbook
QRZ.COM Website and SV9/HB9RYZ at QRZ.COM
Home Shack HB9RYZ
Equipment List
- ICOM SP-34 PHITS Acoustic modified Speaker for Flex-6700, Flex 3000 and PC
- ICOM IC-9700 2m/70cm/23cm Transceiver for QO-100 SAT Operation
- HPA-8000B-54 Hilberling 1kW Amplifier with ATU
- LP-100A Digital Power Meter for 54m Wire with Stockcorner JC-4s Tuner (10m to 160m)
- Two big 43" DELL Displays
- Audio-Switch Solution for all Transceivers and Receivers
- PE1CMO QO-100 Duplex-Transverter (20cm/2m), 20 Watt for QO-100 Sat at home (JN47FE)
- 12-Band EQ for ICOM IC-9700 and Flex 6700 from UR6QW
- Modified Jabra Business wireless DECT Headset for the all Transceivers
- Kenwood SP-23 Speaker for IC-9700 LEO/MEO-SAT operations
- Heil HS-2 Hand PTT-Switch for all Transceivers
- Maestro Console for Flex 6700 Transceiver
- Heil Pro Set 6 IC Headset for all Transceivers
- Flexradio 6700 Limited Edition and number two on the Sherwood Engineering Receiver Test table
- Perseus SDR Receiver (USB) for SDR Radio Console/Server
- YAESU G-5500DC AZ/EL Rotor for LEO/MEO-SAT 2m/70cm Groundstation
- iPad Pro for DX Propagation View www.DXheat.com
- JC-4s Atnenna Tuner Control Box with modified ELAD SDR TX Switch as Tuner-Protection
- LVB-Tracker for the YAESU G-5500DC SAT Rotor
- Mac Mini (M1) with SmartSDR for MAC (Flex 6700) and SDR-Control for ICOM IC-9700
- IC-7300 portable 100W SDR Transceiver 160m to 6m with a built-in Tuner
- Adam Hall PCL 10 Pro Power Conditioner for all 230V devices
- Digital Power and SWR Meter for 2m (DG-503)
- Digital Power and SWR Meter for 70cm (DG-503)
- EA4TX ARS-USB Box for AZ/EL Rotator for the LEO/MEO SAT with Raspberry Pi
- Airspy Duo HF+ SDR Receiver with Spyserver on a Raspberry Pi4
- Heil BM-17 IC Headset for all Transceivers
- Windows 11 SDR Server for Perseus and Airspy SDR Receiver
- RODE Studio Broadcast MIC W2IHY MIC Audio Switch iPlus for three Transceivers (Flex 6700, IC-9700 QO-100 and IC-9700 SAT)
- ELAD ASA16 Active Antenna Splitter for the Active Dipole from Stampfl
- Stockcorner Tuner JC-4s with 54m DX-Wire for 10m to 160m and 1kW
- MFJ-1142 230V DC Line RFI Filter
- Choke 1116di and Choke 1115di from Balun Designs for 10m to 160m (5kW)
- OpenwebRX SDR Receiver web based running on a Raspberry Pi4
- Airspy HF+ Duo with Spyserver running on a Raspberry Pi4
- DX Engineering ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters DXE-ISO-PLUS-10 to reduce noise on LAN
- CMF-2000 1:1 Choke for 10m to 160m for 1kW (outdoor at JC-4s Tuner)
- ICOM IC-9700 for LEO/MEO-SAT Groundstation (2m and 70cm Yagi)
- ICOM RC-28 VFO Knob for ICOM Transceiver and Flexradio with SmartSDR for MAC
- Active Dipol from Heinz Stampfl
- Hercules Starlight DJ-Controller for SmartSDR to control the remote Flex-6700
- Flexradio 3000 since January 2025
- HEIL PR781 Gold MIC for Fleradio 3000/6700 and all ICOM Transceiver
HBRadio 2/2023 - Remote DX-Station at 1'660m
Planung, Aufbau und Betrieb der Remote DX-Station auf der Rigi Scheidegg auf 1'660m
Beobachter 14/2019 - Amateurfunk
Die Stimmen im grossen Rauschen.
HBradio 2/2019 - Article about my OSCAR 100 Satellite Station
QRV over the new OSCAR 100 Geo-Satellite
HBRadio 4/2017 - Article about my Expedition at a Cargo-Ship and Cruise Ship in German
Reiseberichte von den MM-Erfahurngen auf einem Frachtschiff (Cargo Ship) und Kreuzfahrtschiff (Cruise Ship). Article in the Swiss Amateur Radio Association Magazine 04/2017. The article is written in German.
HBRadio 6/2016 - Article about my Inverted-V Antenna in German
Home Made Inverted-V (G5RV) from August 2016 to August 2018. Article in the Swiss Amateur Radio Association Magazine 06/2016. The article is written in German.
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